Mid-study check

So I went tp my mid-study check this past Monday and I received some very good results. When I started the study I weighed about 285 lbs. I also found out after my bloodwork came back that my blood sugar was at 173 and my blood pressure was too high. When I went back I had lost 24 lbs and dropped 70 points off my blood sugar. My blood pressure was also down to what would be expected.

I was very excited. In five weeks I had really turned things around. Not only had I improved my health, I have started to change the way I eat. I am more conscious of what I eat and how I eat it. I used to eat very fast and always felt compelled to clean my plate even if I was full. Now I eat much slower. I take time and enjoy my meals. I also stop and check to see just how full I am. If I feel sated I stop. That was a big adjustment for me.

I am also much more aware of the types of food I eat. I pay attention to the nutrition information and am careful with the portions. I have learned so much about proteins, grains, rice, vegetables, fruits, you name it.

I am about to start my 7th week so I only have four more weeks. Hopefully the trends that have started will continue. I really have to thank Dr. Paul Arciero of Skidmore College for allowing me to participate in this study. He and his team have been encouraging and helpful throughout the entire process.

I think my next post will include some of the information I have learned regarding proteins and grains. Stay tuned…