Ghost peppers – I’ve reached my limit

So I have finally reached the limit of what I can consume for hot stuff. I came across these at our local hot sauce shop:



It is a jar of whole ghost chili peppers, the naga jolokia. It is one the hottest peppers in the world. I was very excited when I saw them and eagerly bought them up. I have had several Dave’s products including their ghost pepper sauce and always enjoyed them. As soon I got home I popped them open checked them out.


I planned to make some fish for dinner (tilapia) and though it would spice it up nicely to cook it with a few peppers  I grilled it up and sure enough it added just enough kick for me. Then for reasons unknown I decided to eat three of the peppers I had used for cooking. I figured since I had already cooked them so they couldn’t be too bad, right?

They went down easy enough. Didn’t seem too hot, just a little bite. Everything seemed good until I went to bed. I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach but I figured it would pass and went to sleep.

At about 4 am I woke up in extreme pain. I decided to get up and see if I could ride it out watching some TV. Unfortunately it only got worse. I finally had enough and made my way to the bathroom where I proceeded to throw up. Because of my diet the only thing in my stomach was those peppers, surpirisingly intact.

I immediately started to feel better. I realized I had hit my limit. I can’t eat three whole ghost peppers Next I will stop after two!