Category Archives: Reading

New Years Resolutions

So it is now 2014 and time for everyone to start working on their New Years resolutions. You know the things we so passionately decide need to be done to improve our lives dramatically for the better and last about two weeks.

I have come up with a few of my own and I will share them here. First, let me say that I actually succeeded at one of last years resolutions to lose 40 pounds. In fact I lost 53 pounds. So my goals in the health department focus more on increasing my physical activity. More hiking, more swimming, more playing sports, more exercise. I still want to lose weight, say another 15 pounds which would get me down to 220. Certainly achievable as far as I am concerned.

My other resolutons for 2014 include doing a bit more writing. Things like this blog and some technical articles I would like to write. I find this to be one of the more challenging things as I always have an extremely hard time starting anything I write. Once I get over that hurdle things seem to come much easier and flow better.

This goal really leads up to my real challenge for 2014. I have always wanted to obtain an advanced degree and I was finally admitted into the MSEE program through the University of Florida. I will begin taking classes this summer and so I will take the first part of the year to get myself back into the swing of things. I am going through a bunch of online courses. I am breaking them up into groups of five and I just started the first group today.

I will check in regularly throughout the year to see how my resolutions are going. Until then I hope everyone enjoys the New Year!